Delhi school invent robot to help medical workers and Covid-19 patients reduce contact
This Delhi student has invented robot to help medical workers and to reduce contact with Covid-19 patients.

Combat Coronavirus: How does the robot work?
Nishant Chandna said A number of medical staff including doctor and nurses in India who were infected while treating patients. We wanted to design something that would help protect those at the frontline battling this illness, so we put our heads together and designed this robot, the robot is designed to dispense food and medicine to patients, and is controlled remotely through an app downloaded on a Smartphone. A smart tablet can also be attached to the robot, enabling video conferencing between doctors and patients. We’re also considering adding an additional feature, in the form of a temperature gun. That way patient can check their own temperature, minimizing the risk to doctors and nurses.Combat Coronavirus: Structure of robot created by school children
The prototype of Prithvi’ is made of cardboard, a programmable board and basic motors, and cost less than Rs 5,000 to build. However, if it does get made on a mass scale, it would require a sturdier build. Dubey conceptualized the robot, Chandna built it, and Maheshkar contributed to its software development.Source: